Show Your Work 04

10 Ways to Share Your Creativity and Get Discovered


Edited by Ben. Turn to ContentPage

Get the knowledge flowing and circulating! :)


Open up Your Cabinet of Curiosities.

Don't Be a Hoarder.

Words & phrases


  • n.内阁;储藏柜,陈列柜;<古>私人小房间,密室;机箱,机壳

  • adj.内阁的

She secreted the gun in the kitchen cabinet.


hoarder n.贮藏者;囤积者

About 1 of every 20 Germans is acompulsive hoarder, a new study has found.


“The problem with hoarding is you end up living off your reserves. Eventually, you’ll become stale. If you give away everything you have, you are left with nothing. This forces you to look, to be aware, to replenish. . . . Somehow the more you give away, the more comes back to you.
—Paul Arden

Words & phrases


  • n.[贸易]囤积;贮藏;临时围墙

  • v.贮藏(hoard 的 ing 形式)

There is panic buying and hoarding.


live off 依靠某物或某人作为生存的主要来源,如金钱或食物

He seems to live off junk food.



  • adj.(食物)不新鲜的,变味的;气味不清新的,难闻的;没有新意的,老掉牙的;(因长期从事同一工作而)疲沓的,厌倦的;(支票,合法要求)(因过期而)失效的

  • v.(使)不新鲜,(使)走味,(使)陈旧;(动物,尤指马)撒尿

  • n.尿

Their marriage had gone stale.


replenish v.补充,重新装满;补足(原有的量)

The cavalry must immediately replenish the new horse.




If you happened to be wealthy and educated and alive in 16th- and 17th-century Europe, it was fashionable to have a Wunderkammern, a “wonder chamber,” or a “cabinet of curiosities” in your house—a room filled with rare and remarkable objects that served as a kind of external display of your thirst for knowledge of the world. Inside a cabinet of curiosities you might find books, skeletons, jewels, shells, art, plants, minerals, taxidermy specimens, stones, or any other exotic artifact. These collections often juxtaposed both natural and human-made marvels, revealing a kind of mash-up of handiwork by both God and human beings. They were the precursors to what we think of today as the modern museum—a place dedicated to the study of history, nature, and the arts.

Words & phrases


  • v.想知道,好奇,琢磨;不知是否(用于提问或礼貌地提出请求);感到疑惑,(对…)感到不安;感到惊讶,觉得惊奇

  • n.惊讶,惊叹;奇观,奇迹;令人惊讶的事物,令人难以置信的事物;能人,奇才,有特效的东西

  • adj.极好的,灵验的

I wonder you don't feel it too.



  • n.房间,室;会议厅,会所;议院;腔,膛;洞穴;<旧>卧室;法官办公室,律师事务所(chambers)

  • v.把子弹送入弹膛;把……关在房间里

  • adj.室内的;私人的,秘密的

For many, the dentist's office remains a torture chamber.



  • n.内阁;储藏柜,陈列柜;<古>私人小房间,密室;机箱,机壳

  • adj.内阁的

The china was displayed in a glass cabinet.


curiosities n.好奇心,求知欲;珍品,奇事

The museum is full of historical curiosities.


Cabinet of curiosities 珍奇柜;美术品陈列室;百宝箱;珍物陈列室

In winter, nature is a cabinet of curiosities, full of dried specimens, in their natural order and position. The meadows and forests are a hortus siccus.



  • n.渴,口渴;干渴,缺水;渴望,渴求

  • v.<文>渴望,渴求;<旧>渴,口渴

Thousands are dying of thirst.


thirst for 渴望:非常强烈地感到想要和需要某样特定的东西。

He had a thirst for knowledge and spent all his spare time reading books.


skeletons n.骷髅;[解剖]骨骼(skeleton 的复数);流言(歌曲名)

The town of Rudbar had ceased to exist, with only skeletons of buildings remaining.


taxidermy n.(动物标本)剥制术

Taking an extracurricular class such as knitting, dance, or taxidermy forces you to be in a room full of strangers.


specimens n.[试验]试样,[图情]样本(specimen 的复数)

The specimens were mounted on slides.



  • adj.奇异的,异国风情的

  • n.外来植物,外来动物

She has a partiality for exotic flowers.


artifact n.(尤指有文化价值或历史价值的)人工制品,历史文物;非自然存在物体,假象(=artefact)

Theoretically, you may be correct in claiming that every artifact has potential scientific value.


juxtaposed v.并列(juxtapose 的过去式)

In the exhibition, abstract paintings are juxtaposed with shocking photographs.


mash-up 混聚

A visual content mash-up system.


handiwork n.手工艺;[工经] 手工制品;行为后果

We admired her exquisite handiwork.


precursors n.前体细胞(precursor 的复数);先驱者(precursor 的复数)

So what are today's precursors?


We all have our own treasured collections. They can be physical cabinets of curiosities, say, living room bookshelves full of our favorite novels, records, and movies, or they can be more like intangible museums of the heart, our skulls lined with memories of places we’ve been, people we’ve met, experiences we’ve accumulated. We all carry around the weird and wonderful things we’ve come across while doing our work and living our lives. These mental scrapbooks form our tastes, and our tastes influence our work.

Words & phrases

treasured 珍藏的,重视的,心爱的

The ring is one of her most treasured possessions.


bookshelves n.书架(bookshelf 的复数)

She built bookshelves out of bricks and planks.



  • adj.不可捉摸的,难以确定的;(资产,利益)无形的

  • n.无形的东西

The benefits are intangible.


lined with 与某物相似或处于相同水平

The company's actions are not in line with their stated values.


carry around: 随身携带:携带某物随时随地移动或旅行。

I always carry around a small umbrella in case it rains.



  • adj.奇怪的,不寻常的;怪异的,超自然的

  • n.命运;预言者

  • v.<美,非正式>使心生疑惑,使感到疏远

Some of the music was weird.


scrapbooks n.剪贴簿(scrapbook 的复数)

Today people collect many things in scrapbooks.


There’s not as big of a difference between collecting and creating as you might think. A lot of the writers I know see the act of reading and the act of writing as existing on opposite ends of the same spectrum: The reading feeds the writing, which feeds the reading. “I’m basically a curator,” says the writer and former bookseller Jonathan Lethem. “Making books has always felt very connected to my bookselling experience, that of wanting to draw people’s attention to things that I liked, to shape things that I liked into new shapes.”

Words & phrases

spectrum n.范围,幅度;光谱;波谱,频谱;余象

Red and violet are at opposite ends of the spectrum.


curator n.(博物馆)馆长,(动物园)园长

Let's say a museum curator comes to you with a problem.





Our tastes make us what we are, but they can also cast a shadow over our own work. “All of us who do creative work, we get into it because we have good taste,” says public radio personality Ira Glass. “But there is this gap. For the first couple years you make stuff, it’s just not that good. It’s trying to be good, it has potential, but it’s not. But your taste, the thing that got you into the game, is still killer.” Before we’re ready to take the leap of sharing our own work with the world, we can share our tastes in the work of others.

Words & phrases

cast a shadow over 蒙上阴影:用不愉快的事情破坏一个好的局面。

The recent scandal has cast a shadow over the company's reputation.


take the leap 冒险尝试:采取冒险的行动或决定,尤指在面临不确定性或风险时勇敢地迈出一步。

She decided to take the leap and start her own business.


Where do you get your inspiration? What sorts of things do you fill your head with? What do you read? Do you subscribe to anything? What sites do you visit on the Internet? What music do you listen to? What movies do you see? Do you look at art? What do you collect? What’s inside your scrapbook? What do you pin to the corkboard above your desk? What do you stick on your refrigerator? Who’s done work that you admire? Who do you steal ideas from? Do you have any heroes? Who do you follow online? Who are the practitioners you look up to in your field?

Words & phrases

scrapbook n.剪贴簿

Make a scrapbook page with pictures of a special event or fun day from the past and frame it.


pin to 固定在……上:将物体固定在另一个物体上。

Imagine a stretchy wrapping paper that you pin to your gift at the vertices.


corkboard n.软木公告板;软木板

That's why the internet is so much more fun than reading the corkboard at your laundromat.


Your influences are all worth sharing because they clue people in to who you are and what you do—sometimes even more than your own work.

Words & phrases


  • n.线索,提示;理解,想法

  • v.给(某人)提供线索,使(某人)了解

I don't have a clue where she lives.


clue in to the fact 让我们了解事实

Lighting, however, also helped clue viewers in to the fact that this picture wasn't business as usual.


clue in 向某人提供信息或告知某人情况

“You’re only as good as your record collection.”
—DJ Spooky

No Guilty Pleasures.

“I don’t believe in guilty pleasures. If you f---ing like something, like it.”
—Dave Grohl

About twenty years ago, a trashman in New York City named Nelson Molina started collecting little bits and pieces of art and unique objects that he found discarded along his route. His collection, The Trash Museum, is housed on the second floor of the Sanitation Department garage on East 99th Street, and it now features more than a thousand paintings, posters, photographs, musical instruments, toys, and other ephemera. There isn’t a big unifying principle to the collection, just what Molina likes. He gets submissions from some of his fellow workers, but he says what goes on the wall and what doesn’t. “I tell the guys, just bring it in and I’ll decide if I can hang it.” At some point, Molina painted a sign for the museum that reads treasure in the trash by nelson molina.

Words & phrases

trashman n.垃圾清理工

The way most people look at you, youd think a trashman was a monster.


ephemera / ɪˈfemərə / n.蜉蝣

But what will fame be to an ephemera who no longer exists?


unifying 使统一;(unify的ing形式)使成一体

A zigzag metal roof, also incorporated into the Oppenheimer Park design, now acts as a unifying design element throughout the district.


Dumpster diving” is one of the jobs of the artist—finding the treasure in other people’s trash, sifting through the debris of our culture, paying attention to the stuff that everyone else is ignoring, and taking inspiration from the stuff that people have tossed aside for whatever reasons. More than 400 years ago, Michel de Montaigne, in his essay “On Experience,” wrote, “In my opinion, the most ordinary things, the most common and familiar, if we could see them in their true light, would turn out to be the grandest miracles . . . and the most marvelous examples.” All it takes to uncover hidden gems is a clear eye, an open mind, and a willingness to search for inspiration in places other people aren’t willing or able to go.


dumpster diving何解?就是在别人不愿意或者不能够的地方寻找一些普通的东西,从普通中筛选出伟大!


Words & phrases

Dumpster n.大垃圾桶

A large, green Dumpster. A couple of the maintenance folks.


dumpster diving 在公共垃圾容器中搜寻可食用的食物或保留一定使用价值的废弃物品的行为

Dumpster diving is not only a way to save money, but also a way to reduce waste.



  • v.筛(面粉或颗粒较细的物质);(使)通过筛具般撒下,落下;细查,详审;使分开,剔除(sift sth. out);(雪、灰或光线等)轻轻撒落,轻轻飘落

  • n.筛,筛选;筛过的原料

Sift out the wheat from the chaff.


sifting through 仔细查看一组物品或信息收集,以找到某些东西

I need to sift through these resumes to find the best candidate for the job.


toss aside 丢弃:扔掉或抛弃某物

We tossed aside our best values, making them look like a hollow charade.


grandest 庄严的 重大的 豪华的 壮丽的(grand 的最高级)

It was really the grandest deception in the world.


miracles / ˈmɪrək(ə)l / n.奇迹(miracle 的复数);神迹

Miracles happen every day.


marvelous / ˈmɑːrvələs / adj.了不起的;非凡的;令人惊异的;不平常的

I had no idea you were a marvelous writer.


gems n.[宝]宝石(gem 的复数形式)

The mask is formed of a gold-platinum alloy inset with emeralds and other gems.


We all love things that other people think are garbage. You have to have the courage to keep loving your garbage, because what makes us unique is the diversity and breadth of our influences, the unique ways in which we mix up the parts of culture others have deemed “high” and the “low.”




Words & phrases

breadth / bredθ / n.宽度,幅度;广度,广泛性

We won by a hair's breadth.


deemed v.认为(deem 的过去式)

The evening was deemed a great success.


deem v.认为,相信

They deem travel an important part of their life.


When you find things you genuinely enjoy, don’t let anyone else make you feel bad about it. Don’t feel guilty about the pleasure you take in the things you enjoy. Celebrate them. When you share your taste and your influences, have the guts to own all of it. Don’t give in to the pressure to self-edit too much. Don’t be the lame guys at the record store arguing over who’s the more “authentic” punk rock band. Don’t try to be hip or cool. Being open and honest about what you like is the best way to connect with people who like those things, too.





Words & phrases

genuinely / ˈdʒenjuɪnli / adv.真诚地;的确

have the guts to own all of it 有勇气拥有这一切!

self-edit v.自我编辑:对自己的作品进行修改、修订或改进,以提高质量。

It's important to self-edit your work before submitting it.



  • adj.瘸的,跛的,残疾的;(尤指借口或论据)站不住脚的,无说服力的;差劲的,拙劣的;<美,非正式>幼稚的,无能的(尤指社交方面)

  • v.使(人或动物)跛(瘸),使残废

  • n.金银锦缎

He was aware that she was lame in one leg.



  • n.废物;小阿飞;年轻无知的人

  • adj.朋客,崩客;无用的,低劣的

Punk is passé.



  • n.臀部,髋;屋脊;野蔷薇果

  • adj.时髦的

  • int.加油! 好哇!

She broke her hip in the fall.


“Do what you do best and link to the rest.”
—Jeff Jarvis

Credit Is Always due.

Words & phrases


  • n.信用,信贷,赊购;赞扬,信誉,声望;存款金额,余额;补助;退税,抵免;学分;带来荣耀的人(或事);作品(指影片、电视节目、戏剧等);信任,相信

  • v.把(钱)记入总账,把钱存入(账户);相信,信任;认为是……的功劳,给予承认;认为……有特定品质(或效果)

Does the hotel take credit cards?



  • adj.到期的,预期的;应有的,应得的;应付的,应给的;适当的

  • adv.正对着

  • n.应得,所得;会费

The accident was due to excessive speed.


If you share the work of others, it’s your duty to make sure that the creators of that work get proper credit. Crediting work in our copy-and-paste age of reblogs and retweets can seem like a futile effort, but it’s worth it, and it’s the right thing to do. You should always share the work of others as if it were your own, treating it with respect and care.





Words & phrases

creators 创作者 造物主

We are looking for smart creators to design an app to help communities meet with the challenges they face.


futile adj.徒劳的,无用的;不重要的;没有出息的

It would be futile to protest.


When we make the case for crediting our sources, most of us concentrate on the plight of the original creator of the work. But that’s only half of the story—if you fail to properly attribute work that you share, you not only rob the person who made it, you rob all the people you’ve shared it with. Without attribution, they have no way to dig deeper into the work or find more of it.

Words & phrases

make the case for 为……辩护或提出论据:为某个观点或行动提供支持或辩护的理由或证据。

Can you make the case for why we should invest in this project?



  • n.困境,窘境;誓约

  • v.<旧> 宣誓,保证

We were deeply moved by her plight.


So, what makes for great attribution? Attribution is all about providing context for what you’re sharing: what the work is, who made it, how they made it, when and where it was made, why you’re sharing it, why people should care about it, and where people can see some more work like it. Attribution is about putting little museum labels next to the stuff you share.Another form of attribution that we often neglect is where we found the work that we’re sharing. It’s always good practice to give a shout-out to the people who’ve helped you stumble onto good work and also leave a bread-crumb trail that people you’re sharing with can follow back to the sources of your inspiration. I’ve come across so many interesting people online by following “via” and “H/T” links —I’d have been robbed of a lot of these connections if it weren’t for the generosity and meticulous attribution of many of the people I follow.




  • 如果你只关注作者在做作品的窘境,那就太单一了!不是很好!

  • 如果你把作者做作品的所有背景都说了出来,并且给了一个传送门,甚至告知大家你是受谁启发意外获得这个资料的。都给它署名上!这才是好的贡献!


Words & phrases

shout-out n.公开表达致意

And though Angelina Jolie was nowhere to be found, hers got a big shout-out from host Jon Stewart, who noted the number of actresses who are expecting for several times.


stumble onto 偶然发现:无意中发现或遇到某事物或情况。

You may well stumble onto some very useful information indeed.


bread-crumb trail 面包屑导航:一种网站导航方式,通过显示用户当前位置在网站结构中的层级关系,帮助用户了解他们在网站中的位置并快速返回上一级或主页。

The website has a clear breadcrumb trail, making it easy for users to navigate.


meticulous adj.一丝不苟的,注意细节的

He has been a meticulous manager, a manager par excellence.


Online, the most important form of attribution is a hyperlink pointing back to the website of the creator of the work. This sends people who come across the work back to the original source. The number one rule of the Internet: People are lazy. If you don’t include a link, no one can click it. Attribution without a link online borders on useless: 99.9 percent of people are not going to bother Googling someone’s name.




Words & phrases

hyperlink n.超链接

Creating hyperlink details links.


border on 接近;近似

Such designs can border on camp or tacky, in the wrong hands。


All of this raises a question: What if you want to share something and you don’t know where it came from or who made it? The answer: Don’t share things you can’t properly credit. Find the right credit, or don’t share.